Sunday, January 17, 2010


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Crown Master Prince

a wise prince must rely on what is in his power and not on what is in the power of others. - Machiavelli The Prince

HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! 3-21-2010

Happy New Year! To the ancient Egyptians, Olmec, Indians, Native Americans, Asians, Yorubas, and all first world Type 1 astral civilizations and friends. Give thanks for the birth of our Lord on earth's original New Year's Day. As is according to ancient Egypt and our original ancient celestial calendar brought to the Mayan ancestors by Osiris (Quetzocoatl). May the universe guide and protect us throughout the remainder of this age and into the new age of Aquarius after this age of the divine evil ends on December 21, 2012.

As the new age returns earth people to our orignal and natural new year, it ends the root of the abomination of Christmas and its evil foundation. From the December 25th birthday celebration of Saturn, son of Zeus. This birthday celebration was called Saturnalia- "see dictionary" begins December 21st and ends December 25th with the sacraficing of babies and infants to appease the god of the harvest. It is of course the foundation of the continuing practice of Moloch who's followers burned their infants as a sacrafice to Moloch(Molech)- Leviticus 18:21,Leviticus 20:2-5,Acts 7:43,Psalms 106:37-38,1st Kings 11:7.

Later in Rome it was celebrated as a time of misrule and lawlessness. In Rome the December 25th celebration included the tradition of inviting foreigners as guests to a thanksgiving dinner and afterwards raping and brutally murdering them. Christmas was never celebrated in Ethiopia, the earth's first Christian nation est.70 AD. It wasn't celebrated until hundreds of years later in Palestine.

The Goths celebrating Saturnalia had their gods backwards. The December 21st god of agriculture they were appeasing was supposed to be the peaceful March 21st God of the spring harvest. Instead of appeasing the son of God, Ogun, Quetzocoatl, or Esther (Easter) the Goths were appeasing Saturn, to ensure the return of spring and a spring harvest they offered a new born child as a human sacrafice to Saturn and then ate the body and drank the blood as they celebrated their December 25th Saturnalian Satanic communion of cannibalism.

This was prior to 300 A.D. before Emperor Constantine kept his promise to what he called a small group of Chirstians, that if they elected him as emperor he would make the Pagans holy, he instead turned Christianity beyond Paganism into devil worship. In claiming to make the Pagans holy he changed the day of the return of the true son of God and the day of the Pagan naturalists harvest god, to Good Friday to kill everyone elses god incuding the birth and return of the Israelite son of God.

He also combined the name of Yeshua and Saturn's father Zeus to create Yehzeus, the original pronunciation of Jesus- "see dictionary". He then adopted the crucifixion of Osiris "also adopted by Krishna" to hide, protect, and represent their sacred communion to appease Satan.

From Christianity to Pagan Naturalists, Emperor Constantine turned everything that was holy and right into devil worship. Emperor Constantine created a Satan based Christianity of Christianized Goths by turning Saturnalia into the Vatican he demonized the entire history of Egyptian-Israelite heritage .

On September 11,70 A.D. Ethiopia was established as earth's frist Christian nation. Goths gained power in Europe in 258 A.D. Constantine's Christianity did not begin unitil 300A.D.

If the small group of Christians Emperor Constantine claimed were in Europe were from the Vatican or rather Saturnalia, then this would show and prove that Christianity never existed in Europe before Constantine. It was all superstitious Satanic cults, evil disgusting rituals, and devil worship. Up until Constantine's Christianity the original European so-called Christians were actually just Satanic Goths. Contrary to Constantine's story their were no small group of Christians in Europe, if what he called a small group of Christians were in Saturnalia then they were devils and he just changed their name to the Vatican.

- A History of World Societies, Fourth Edition.

In religious affairs Constantine took the decisive step of recognizing Christianity as a legitimate religion. No longer would Christians suffer persecution for their beliefs as they had occasionally experience earlier. Constantine himself died a Christian in 337AD. Why had the Pagans persecuted the Christians in the first place?

"Polytheism is by nature tolerant of new gods and accomodating in religous matters. Why was Christianity singled out for violence?

"Italian scholar Marta Sord confronting a very complicated topic, offerss evidence that the Christians exaggeratged the degree of Pagan hostility to them and that most of the gory stories about the martyrs are fictitious. There were indeed some cases of Pagan persecution of the Christians, but with few exceptions they were local and sporadic. Even Nero's notorious persecution was temporary and limited to Rome. No constant persecution of Christians occurred.Instead, Some pagans thought the Christians were athiest because they scorned the natural (natural godforces of the earth). Christians either denied the existence of Pagan gods or called them or called them evil spirits.

"They went so far as to urge people not to worship Pagan gods. In turn, Pagans who believed in their (natural godforces of the earth) as fervently as the Christans believed in their (supposed) one god, feared that the gods would withdraw their favor from the Roman Empire because of the Christians blasphemy.

"Even educated and cultured people like the historian Tacitus opposed Christianity because they saw it as a bizzare new sect. Tacitus believed that Christians hated the whole human race. As a rule, early European Christians kept to themselves. Romans distrusted and feared their exclusiveness, which seemed unsociable and even subversive. They saw the Lord's supper at which Christians said they ate and drank the body and blood of Jesus as an act of cannibalism.

"Pagans also said that Christians indulged in immoral and indecent rituals. They considered Christianity one of the worst of the Eastern mystery cults, for one hallmarks of many of those cults was disgusting rituals. Pagans did not demand that Christians believe in Pagan gods."

The devil can only exist through devil work and by embracing the delusional belief that there is an invisible evil spirit hovering across the railroad tracks causing destruction and misery in poor and oppressed peoples' lives. Christianity is a religion based on Satan. In the witchcraft of this religion God is merely an imaginary friend, protector, and provider who as we see conveniently rewards Satan with the right to have fun tricking good people and spreading evil mischief throughout the world, meanswhile God conveniently wait's until the world reaches the fullness of Satans evil.

The sad and disappointing reality of all the millions upon millions of children and good people throughout history condemned to a life of torture, or perished while waiting on God who's waiting on Satan is seen in the colonial extinction of the Jamaican Arawaks, American slave trade and slavery, Native American Reserves, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Panama, crime, crack heads, 911, etc. all bare witness to the fact that in Christanity the practicality of the supreme power of God is limited and dictated by the ancient governance of Satan who tells you, "You reach heaven from under the earth."- Get up Stand Up, by Bob Marley.

Xmas is the December 25, sacrafice and cannibalism of Lord Yeshua who they thought was the new son of Zeus and sacraficed him by lynching him in Acts 5:30 1975 KJV and ate the body and drank his blood to gain the power of Zeus. In the European neolithic traditions they lived in caves and ate out the skulls of their conquered dead and ancestors to gain their knowledge. In devil worship, and vampires, you cannibalize gods in an attempt to gain their power. The birth of Christ was written by Luke who was Greek and who's orginal God is Zeus.

"In Mesopotamian myths, Zeus is the son of Cronus. He defeated his evil father an took his place as king of the gods. Zeus was a god of righteousnes, who loved justice and hated wrongdoing.

"Under Alexander the Great, in the second century B.C. Greeks and native Egyptians began to intermarry.. some natives adopted Greek customs. While many Greeks and Egyptians remained aloof from each other, the overall result was the evolution of a widespread Greco-Egyptian culture. Serpais, who was invented by king Ptolemy, combined the elements of the Egyptian God Osiris with aspects of the Greek gods Zeus.. Serpais became an international god, and many Hellenistic Greeks thought of him as Zeus. - History of World Societies, fourth edition.

In actuality, Zeus the king of the gods, is originally the God, Poseiden, the father of Atlas. According to Plato, Atlantis and the Atlantic Ocean was named after Atlas, the oldest son of Poseiden. Just as Yeshua became Jesus, Poseiden became Zeus, and Zeus became Jupiter to the Romans. The characteristics of the King of Atlantis was also corrupted by the Greeks.

The Mayan Prophecies, by Maurice M Cotterll and Adrian Gilbert, co-author of Orion Mystery.

"According to the traditions of Phoenicians, the Gardens of the Hesperides were in the remote west. Atlas lived in these gardens. Atlas, as we have seen, was King of Atlantis. The Elysian Fields were commonly placed in the remote west.... Atlas was described in Greek mythology as an enormous giant, who stood upon the western confines of the earth, and supported the heavens on his shoulders..

("Plato's account was written 350 B.C. about a date of at least 9500 B.C. when Europe was only just emerging from the last Ice Age.")

"The earliest written account of Atlantis that we have is that of Plato.. who in two of his last books, Critas and Timaeus,.. he explains.. that they know far more about the history of the world than the Greeks:

"You [The Athenians] remember only one deluge though there have been many... You and your fellow citizens are descended from the few survivors that remained, but you know nothing about it because so many succeeding generations left no record in writing.

"Our records tell how your city [Athens] checked a great power which arrogantly advanced from its base in the Atlantic Ocean to attack the cities of Europe and Asia. For in those days the Atlantic was navigable. There was an island larger than Libya and Asia combined; from it travellers could in those days reach the other islands, and from them the whole opposite continent which surrounds what can truly be called the ocean.

"On this island of Atlantis had arisen a powerful and remarkable dynasty of Kings, who ruled the whole island, and many islands as well and parts of the continent; in addition it controlled, within the strait, Libya up to the borders of Egypt and Europe up as far as Tyrrhenia [Tuscany].

"At a later time there were earthquakes and floods of extraordinary violence, and in a single dreadful day and night all your [Athenian] fighting men were swallowed up by the earth, and the island of Atlantis was similarly swallowed up by the sea and vanished; this is why the sea in that area is to this day impassable to navigation, which is hindered by mud just below the surface, the remains of the sunken island.

The reason there had been no Gulf Stream was that until around 10,000 B.C. it has been blocked by a landmass in the Mid-Atlantic. It was only when this sank (the Atlantis catastrophe) that the Gulf Stream was able to reach the lands flanking the North Atlantic.-The Secret of Atlantis, Otto Muck. -He overcame the inevitable criticism of his theory.

The inhabitants of Atlantis escaped to the continent of South America. And to avoid any repeat of this catastophe, the priests went to the exact center of the earth's land mass where their sacred geometry of Atlantis is evident in the Great Pyramid and the Sphinx.

Timbuctu was a university established in 600 A.D. and was destroyed by wars with Europeans who at that time viewed Alkebulan mathematics as witchcraft.

"Posieda - last great island of Atlantis continent. 10,500 B.C. - Edgar Cayce.

Before Greece became known as Greece it was originally called Athens. Athens was inhabited by Ethiopians. White tribes began to invade from the North. After the conclusion of a great migration, the Greeks developed a proud racial consciousness. They called themselves Hellines. 427-347 B.C. In Athens Plato became a student of the Ethiopian, Socrates who's mother was from Cush. Socrates thought that by constantly pursuing excellence, an essential part of which was knowledge, human beings could approach the supreme good and thus find true happiness. Yet in 399 B.C. Socrates was brought to trial, convicted, and executed on charges of corrupting the youth of the city and introducing new gods.

Through Emperor Constantine and Saturnalia, Jesus became the second son of Zeus. The original pronunciation of Jesus is Yehzeus. Yehzeus nor Jesus is a spanish nor english translation of the Hebrew name Yeshua.

Yeshua in english is Jeshua. Yeshua in spanish is still Yeshua. And Heyzeus in Hebrew is still Heyzeus. There is no Hebrew translation for the name Jesus. The reason for this is because it is originally a spanish name that was created by Constantine. How else can a Hebrew man get a spanish name. Jesus is written in old english texts as the son of Zeus.

According to Flavious Josephus, a first century Hebrew historian that describes Jesus in the Halosis II: In appearance Yeshua was a simple man. He was dark skinned with little hair. About 41/2 ft or 54 to 58 inches tall. Hunched over with a long face and underdeveloped beard.

The British Museum has a gold coin that was owned by Justinian II, Byzantine Emperor. One side of the coin features Jesus Christ with all the characteristics of a an "Alkebulan" man. Skimpy beard, notty hair as wooly as you can get. The holy shroud of Turin isn't Jesus.
-Robert R Eisler in JA Rogers book 'Nature knows no color line'

One thing we must clearly understand and comprehend is that Yeshua was not Jesus and Jesus is not Yeshua. Yeshua was just a messenger that made the blind see knowledge, the def hear wisdom, and the dumb understand. And it is an abomination unto God to think that the holy Yeshua was the son of Zeus and that Jesus is the son of Yaweh. To say Jesus is the son of God is to say the son of God is Satan. This is blasphemy.

The bible's book of Matthew begins as, The book of the generations of Jesus Christ, the son of David, the son of Abraham. Abraham begat Isaac; and Isaac begat Jacob; "and Jacob begat Judas"..

However the book of Luke chapter 3:33 states "Juda" is the son of Jacob, which was the son of Isaac, which is the son of Abraham.

Matthew 1:16, states that Matthan begat Jacob; Jacob begat "Joseph" the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ.

Luke 3:23, states, Jesus himself began to be about thirty years of age, being (as was supposed) the son of Joseph, which was the son of Heli, which was the son of Matthat.

Mark 6:3, they said, "He's just a carpenter, Mary's boy, and a brother of James and Joseph, Judas and Simon. And his sisters live right here among us." And they were offended.

Romans 1:3, Jesus Christ (Yeshua) was made of the seed of David according to the flesh; And declared to be the Son of God (God of Greeks and Goths).

"We all know that in the reality of a practical world once a virgin has a child she can no longer be considered a virgin. This is why Islam refer's to Mary, mother of Jesus not as a virgin, but instead a young woman.

"A spirit can not conceive with human flesh unless the spirit is in human flesh. According to the bible God makes every living thing to bring forth after its own kind. If a spirit produced a child the child would have to be a spirit. However, Mary's egg had to be fertilized by sperm which is only found in the body of a man. The flesh, blood, and human structure of Jesus would have had to been made of the DNA chromosones of Mary and Joseph. Just as today, there were extenuating circumstances around the birth of Jesus, but to teach that Jesus was sneaking around sleeping with another man's woman is not the way we should understand our God"

- Is God A Living Human Being, Caribbean Today 1994.


1001 Suprising Things You Should Know about the Bible
by Jerry MacGregor and Marie Prys

"26. Jerome in 382 A.D. he translated the Old and New Testament from their original languages (Hebrew and Greek) into Latin.

"28. During the entire first century and much of the second century there was no concept of a New Testament. They quoted sources that were familiar in tone yet different in the names of the sources.

"29. The term New Testament was created by Tertullian around the year 200. In an attempt to move the church away from Greek toward Latin, which had become the preferrred language of scholars, Tertullian referred to the writings of the Christian church as Novum Testamentum.

"30. 150 A.D. Marcion was a teacher who broke away from the chruch in Rome around 150 A.D. he rejected the Old Testament and instead chose to accept only ten letters from Paul along with the Gospel of Luke as authoritative Christian Scripture.

"33. Accepted at last. The Eastern church accepted the New Testament as we know it in 367 A.D. .. and the Western chruch followed suit after Pope Damascus in 382 A.D.

"34. The allegorical method of interpretation went to extreme lengths to try to make the Old Testament into a Christian book..Origen, one of the first Christian theologians, believed that "the Scriptures were composed through the Spirit of God, and have both a meaning which is obvious and another which is hidden." He then proceeded to create all sorts of allegorical meanings to the Word of God - infuriating his critics, who felt that Origen was crafting theological implications out of thin air.

"43. The Codex Sinaiticus is the oldest copy of the complete New Testament. Housed in the British Museum in London, it contains handwritten pages bound to a spine on one side. Written in Greek, it dates from about the year 350 A.D.

"60. The bible was written in several languages. Most of the Old Testament books are in Hebrew.. The New Testament books are written in "koine" ("common") Greek, though they contain Latin, Aramaic, and Hebrew phrases.

"64. Approximately two thousand years of history pass within the Bible's pages.. Along with those rising and falling empires and cultures, Hebrew and Aramaic fell into disuse and were eventually replaced by Greek. Sometime around 250 B.C. someone decided to preserve those writings in a complete Greek translation of Hebrew Scripture."

The authorized King James Version of the bible was published in 1611. The reason the bible is so poetic is because King James hired the best writers and scholars. This included Shakespeare. In honor of Shakespeare's forty-sixth birthday, which happened to be the year the King James Version was being printed for the first time, the scholars took the forty-sixth psalm and made sure that forty-six words into the psalm is the word "shake" and forty-six words from the end of the psalm appeared the word "spear".

Yeshua taught Europe about the coming of the Lord, but Constantine made Yeshua the Lord. And ever since we expected a second coming when the first didn't come until November 2, 1930. Selassie is the first. However during a war Prophet Muhammed went to Ethiopia where he said he was able to meet with God who revealed to him the Quaran. However in Ethiopia he was to meet with the Ethiopian Bilaal who ministered unto him what became the Quaran. According to Muslims The Holy Quaran was only revealed because the Torah had become corrupted by the Greeks and Constantine. The Holy Quaran inherited The New Testament of book religions first ever religious concept and theory of one God.

In polytheism you appease lower gods to reach the higher God. Likewise in Christianity you reach God through praying in the name of Jesus. Although Christians have to go through a lower god to reach their higher God, and although they have a heiarchy of "the son" the known "father" and the unknown "holy ghost", contrary to simple logic, they seem to have convinced themselves that these three seperate entities are no more than one entity. This is obviously illogical.

This is clearly a delusional concept that turns Jesus into a paranoid schitzophrenic psycho hanging on the cross crying myself myself why have I forsaken myself. This delusion is worthy of psycho-analytic thought studies. Islam is the only monetheistic religion of the three main book religions. However monetheism is destructive to the earth as well as mankind. It competes for the highest respect from the ultimate GOD with no respect and total neglect for the lower natural god forces of the earth which in polytheism are also held in high respect since it will those natural forces of the earth that you will consult before earning the privelege to reach the Most High God -Pslams 82 and the ultimate unknown (GOD) JAH -The Holy Spirit. Psalms 68.4.


"It is repeated also that all souls issue from the celestial region called JAH, which is the source of wisdom. This is called the Holy Spirit, and all souls are comprised therein. -Ibl, Pt.II,1742; IV, 129.

Those souls which animate men issue or emanate from Him Who is called the Just.-Ib.,fol.7oa; III, 310.

The Mystery of Faith and all celestial sanctities emanate from the union of male and female principles -Ib., fol. 160a; II, 229.

Mystery of Supreme Wisdom is that the world salvation must issue from the union of Juda and Thamar, as if there were a secret sanctuary somewhere in the world which overwatched that true legitimacy belonging to the line of David. -Ib., fol. 188b ; II,344.

The Supreme Mystery concealed in the Law is the Secret of the Lord, and this is a secret of the Holy Covenant. -Ib., fol. 236b ; II,553.

The Cup of Blessings comprises the Mystery of Faith, which Mystery embraces the four quarters and the Sacred Throne. -Ib., fol. 250b ; II, 585.

The Sacred Reign to come constitutes the Mystery of Faith. -Ib., Pt. II, fol. 134a ; IV, 30.

The Law of Correspondence obtains in these things, for the empire of the demon is modelled on that of God. -Ib., Pt. II, fol. 37b ; III, 179.

There are also inferior palaces corresponding to the Palaces what are above and they are seven in number . Ib., fol. 245a ; IV, 278.

There are hierarchies of demons answering to the Hierarchies of blessed Angels -Ib., fol. 247b ; IV, 281.

The titles of the averse Sepheroth are the same as those above, all the qualities being illustrated by their opposites. - Ib., Pt. III, fol. 70a ; V, 190. "

There is a further demonical triad in imitation of that Triad which is Supernal. -Ib., fol. 40b ; II, 189. - "Predating the bible".

Ethiopia and the Torah like all Alkebulan people and early civilizations, never had a problem with polytheism until the Satan missionaries came.


By J.A. Rogers: born Jamaica; World Authority on Afro-American History.
Awarded H.I.M. Emperor of Ethiopia Haile Selassie, Gold Medal, July 24, 1954.
A guest in the home of HRL Prince Henri Umbaji King, during a week long stay in Detroit MI.

"In 712 B.C. Sabacon, son in law of Pianki, establised the XXV, or Ethiopan Dynasty in Egypt."-

981 B.C. Makeda, Queen of Sheba visited King Solomon in Judea.
955 B.C. Their son, Menelik mounted the throne of Ethiopia.

("In rememberance of Yeshua space.")

70 A.D Candance established Christianity at her capital, Axum, making Ethiopia the first Christian Nation. ("Early Christianity was a result of Alexander the Great and the Crusades.")

("300 A.D. Emperor Constantine's combines all relgions and changes Medieval Satanic Saturnalia into Vatican Christian Goths to form one religion.")

937 A.D. Judith, Queen of the Falashas, or Black Jews, seized the Ethiopian throne and ruled 40 years.

977 A.D. Tekla Haimanot, Ethiopian saint, overthrow the Black Jews and restored "and impostered" the dynasty of Solomon and the Queen of Sheba.

("1030-1270 A.D. Ethiopia under rule of Zagwe usurper dynasty as King Preston John, until true Solomonids were finally restored to the throne.")

1192 A.D. King Lalibala built the famous rock temples of Lasta and invaded Arabia

1434 A.D. King Zara Jacob sent envoys to the Council of Florence Italy.

1529 A.D. The war of centuries between Ethiopia and Islam continued. The terrible Mohammedan general, Mohammed-Gerad, invaded Ethiopia.

1889 A.D. The Mahdists, 40,000 strong, are repulsed with terrible slaughter by King John. This practically marked the close of 1,100 year os the Mohammedan attempt to seize Ethiopia.

1896 A.D. Menelik defeatd the Italians at Adowa.

1923 A.D. Haile Selassie entered the League of Nations. ("Later known as United Nations").

November 2, 1930 A.D. Haile Selassie crowned Emperor."

The front page of the New York Post reported the historical coronation of Ras Tafari ("Ras Tapharaoh) offspring of King David and direct descendant of Melenik the son of King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba -Rev.22:16 inherited the tradition of the 2000 year old preserved and reserved divine bibical Crown and Throne of the Majestic

King of Kings, Lord of Lords- Revelation 19:16,
Conquering Lion of the tribe of Juda- Revelation 5:5,
King of Zion, King of Israel- 1st Kings 16:16,
Light of the World- John 8:12,

-To which he added his name Haile Selassie, meaning; Might of the Trinity.- Rev.22:16

His Imperial Majesty's coronation took place in plain sight of the head representatives of 72 nations who attended this historical event.

This event revolutionized the 2000 year biblical history of the world's oldest royal lineage and of earth's first Christian nation.

Ethiopia through Rastas continue to rescue its Israelite heritage from the European dark age birth of the Satanic Saturnalian Christian devil worship that became the foundation of today's dominating Constantine Christianty.

J.A. Rogers

13. There were at least eighteen Ethiopian or unmixed Negro rulers of Ancient Egypt, the best known of which is Piankhi. Leaving his country in Central Africa, Piankhi conquered all Egypt to the mouth ot the Nile in 750 B.C.

15 The most ancient lineage in the world is tha tof the Ethiopian royal family. It is said to be older than that of King George VI's by 6130 years. The Emperor Haile Selassie I, ruler of Ethiopia, traces his ancestry to King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba and beyond that to Cush 6280 B.C.

The Ethiopians list their kings from Ori of 4478 B.C. to Haile Selassie the Frist of A.D. 1930 (Nat Geographic Maga, p.683, June 1931).

22. the quotation is from J. Dietz' Autobiography, p. 68, translated by Bernardd Miall, first published by Dr. E Consentius, N.Y. 1923. With regard to cannibalism in Germany, Hertz says, "The Thirty Years' War (1618-48) brought such dire misery to Germany that Cannibalism began to rare its ghastly head as is attested by the minutes of the town council of Ruffcach in 1636. Duke Charles of Lorraine maintained that his soldiers once roasted children in order to eat them and they once boiled two old nuns for the sake of having a good strong broth. (Race and Civilization, p.256.)

30. Tacitus says: "many again say that they (the Jews) were a race of Ethiopian origin."
(Book V, Chap.2.)

31. Fishberg says of the Falasha Jews: "They are of the Negro type.. the large lips, the prognathism, and frizzly hair, all point to the Negro origin." (The Jew, p. 147. ) I have seen the Falashas in Abyssinia and the Negro Jews in Egypt and the Sudan. West Africa has black Jews also.

32. The Black Jews of Inida "are kept at a rspectable distance and not permitted to enter the synagogues of the whites nor do they bury their dead in the same cemetery." (M. Fishberg: The Jew, p. 134; Isaac I.A. Cochin Jews, 1917.)

"I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan. - Revelation 2:9"

"Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie: behold, I will make them to come and worhsip before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee. - Revelation 3:9"

"Then they sent a message to the king of Assyria: "We colonists here in Israel don't know the laws of the god of the land, and he has sent lions among us to destroy us because we have not worshipped him.-2 Kings 17:26. The king of Assyria then decreed that one of the exiled priests from Samaria should return to Israel and teach the new residents the laws of the god of the land. So one of them returned to Bethel and taught the colonists from Babylon how to worship the Lord. -2 Kings 17:27-The Book."

("Historically there is no such thing as a Jewish people nor a Jewish religion. The suffix "ish" at the end of the word "Jew-ish" transforms the actual meaning of the word "Jew" into an "act of" in the exact same way the meaning of the word "child" is transformed into the meaning of the word "childish" meaning an "act of being a child". The word "Jew" is defined as an Israelite descendant while the word "Jewish" is defined as one having the characteristics of a Jew. The ideology of the Jews is not Jewish, this is illiterate and redundant, the ideology of the Jews is Judaism.")

("And many of the people of the land pretended to be Jews.. -Esther 9:17 -The Book. However, Jewish and Israeli are not in the bible.")

49. The Bible really originated in Ancient Egypt, where the population, according to Herodtus and Aristotle was black. Here the Jews recieved almost all of their early culture.

50. Psalms that read like those of the Bible were written by a Pharaoh, Amernophis IV, better know as "Akhenaton, the Heretic King," 1300 B.C. or more than 400 years before David was born. For a comparison of one of the Psalms of Akhenaton with the 104th Pslam in the Bible see Arthur Weigall: Life and Times of Akhenaton, pp. 134-136. New York, 1923 Also J.H. Breasted, History of Egypt, p.373. New York, 1926.

51. Ethiopians, that is Negroes, gave to the world the first idea of right and wrong an thus laid the basis for religion, and of all true culture and civilization. The earliest exposition of this yet found is in the so-called Memphite Drama, which is known only through a copy on a slab of basalt made by order of an Ethiopian King in 700BC.

The Ethiopian King in questionShabaka, popularly called Sabacon, founder of the Ethiopian Dynasty, and conquerer of Assyria of whom Diodorus Siculus who travelled in Egypt 60 B.C. said,

"Sabacon, an Ethiopian, came to the throne, going beyond all his predecessors in worship of the gods and in kindnesss to his subjects." Book I, Chap.V.

"The original document came from Ethiopia and was about 2,500 years older than the copy according to Breasted. He says, "Priceless are the mutiliated passages which still remain legible on this venerable block. We learn something of it's origin at once from a line of stately hieroglyphics at the top where we find the name of the Ethiopian Pharaoh, who ruled Egypt in the Eight Century, B.C.

"Following his name his inscription reads and states: 'His Majesty' (meaning himself) wrote out this writing anew in the house of his father, Ptah-South-of-His-Wall. His Majesty had found it as a work of his ancestors." This pious Ethiopian King of Egypt was interested in preserving an ancient writing of his ancestors...

"The document (the original) is enormously old. We have mirrowed in it the oldest thoughts of men that anywhere come down to us in written form." (The Dawn of Conscience, pp. 30-31, New York, 1933.) The slab is now in the British Museum. Sabacon was a brother of Pianki, Ethiopian conqueror of Egypt.

91. The most ancient names for so-called black people are Nehesu, or Nubian; Ethiopian, and Moor from Ancient Egypt, and Negro, or Nigrita from West Africa. All of the above are native African words. "Negro is probably the oldest as the Negritos are the oldest known branch of the human race. "Negro comes from the River Niger.

"Niger" found its way into Latin and since the people from that region were dark-skinned, Niger, nigra, nigrum, came to mean black. Negro, Nigrita, means "the people of the great river". Black and coloured, like white, are on the other hand European words. Ethiopian and Moor was popularly used to describe the so-called blacks uuntil 1500. Shakespare uses "Negro" only once and used it synonymously with Moor.

Princes shall come out of Egypt; Ethiopia shall soon stretch out her hands unto God. Psalms. -68:31

Psalms 205:23. Cush (Ethiopia), Mizraim (Egypt), Canaan (now Israel), and Phut (Lybia),were sons of Ham.

Ancient Ethiopians, Ancient Egyptians, and Ancient Israelites were the same people. In fact Ethiopia as Cush built Egypt in which Moses passed as the Pharaoh's grandson. Can an Ethiopian change his skin or the leopard his spots? -Jeremiah 13:23.

Are ye not as children of Ethiopians unto me O children of Israel. -Amos 9:7.

National Bestseller, The Sign And The Seal by Graham Hancock

"The Kebra Nagast states quite plainly that the Jewish faith had been introduced into Ethiopia in the 950's B.C. when Melenik and his companions had arrived with the Ark. Indeed it even said that the Queen of Sheba herself had been converted to Judaism.

"According to the scholars.. the academic establishment was overwhelmingly of the opinion that the Jewish faith was unlikey to have reached Ethiopia before the second century A.D. and that it had been brought across the Red Sea from the Yemen where a large Jewish community had indeed been established after 70 A.D. by emigrants fleeing Roman pesecutions in Palestine.

"980 A.D. Tribal chieftainess Judith, interrupted the imposters of the Solomonic line by coup d'e'tat. She seemed to have been motivated above all else by a desire to obliterate the Christian religion. She attacked Axum, razed much of the ancient city to the ground and succeeded in killing its fake Solomonic emporer. Judith was the head of the of a large tribal confederation known as the Agaw - to which the Falashas, the indigenous black Jews of Ethiopia belonged to. Historians have accepted that within 50 years after her death most of Northern Ethiopia had been united under the Zagwe monarchs who, like her, were all of Agaw extraction.

"At the very begining of the twelfth century (or more poroperly in 1099, the last year of he eleven century) Jerusalem was seized by the Crusaders.

"European Crusaders had occupied the Holy City of Jerusalem for a continuous period of more than eighty years (they were finally expelled by the Saracens in 1187).

"In 1145 the name 'Preston John' was first heard in Europe.

"In 1145 in the Chronicle of BIshop Otto of Freisingen. Claiming that his informant was a Syrian churchman, the bishop had written of a certain 'John, king and priest [rex et sacerdo]', a Christian who lived in the uttermost East' where he commanded enormous armies which, aparently, he wished to put at the disposal of the defenders of Jerusalem.

"In 1160 Prince Lalibela, the future monarch of Ethiopia, arrived in Jerusalem as a political exile fleeing the persecution of his half brother Harbay (who then occupied the throne).

"Neither Harbay nor Lalibela had stemmed from the line of monarchs supposedly descended from King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba through Menelik I. Instead they both belonged to a usurper dynasty known as the Zagwe which had ruled in Ethiopia from roughly 1030 A.D. until 1270 A.D. when the Solomonids were finally restored to the throne.

"In 1165 a letter purporting to have been written by 'Prester John' and making a series of awe-inspiring claims about the size of his armies, his wealth and his power, had been circulated widely in Europe addressed to 'various Christian Kings'.

"In 1177 when Pope Alexander III (writing from Venice) addressed a letter to his 'dearest son in Christ, John, illustrious and magnificent King of the Indians'. Although the Pope certainly believed that he was replying to the author of the 1165 letter he made it clear that he had also had information about 'the Prester' from another source. He spoke, for example, of his personal physician, ' the leech Philip', who had apparently been approached in Jerusalem by the Prester's emissaries who were referred to as 'honourable persons of the monarch's kingdom', had expressed their ruler's desire to be granted something that had not even been mentioned in the 1165 letter - a sanctuary in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem.

"Prester John, in his earliest incarnations, had been explicitly associated with 'India'.. again and again 'the Prester's' realms were referred to as India or, more loosely, 'the Indies'.. none of the medieval authorities concerned had had any firm idea in their own minds as to wehre exactly India and/or the Indies were. And it was equally obivious, when they talked about 'India', that they were only rarely speaking of the subcontinent itself. The majority of the references were quite clearly to some other place, perhaps in Africa, perhaps elsewhere - although nobody seemed to know..

"For more than a thousand years before the earliest mention of Prester John a profound terminological muddle had existed in which 'India' had frequently been confused with 'Ethiopia'. Indeed from the first century B.C.(when Virgil had written the Nile rising in 'India'), until at least the time of Marco Polo - when all coutnries that bordered on the Indian Ocean were still referred to as 'the Indies'.

"In 1185 Lalibela had seized the Ethiopian throne.

"In 1187 Jerusalem fell to the Muslim forces of Sultan Saladin and the Crusaders were driven out, along with members of the Ethiopian community in the Holy City - who sought temporary refuge in Cyprus."

"In 1189 the royal Chronicles showed that Lalibela had been deeply disturbed by this turn of events. Emissaries sent to Saladin by King Lalibela managed to persuade the Muslim general to grant them for the first time, a privilege that they had never enjoyed before, the same privelege that Harbay had sought from the Pope in 1177, a key site of their own - the Chapel of the Invention of the Cross, in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

"Lalibela's reign had represented the zenith of the Zagwe dynasty's powers and achievements. After his death a steep decline set in.

"In 1270 A.D. his grandson Naakuto Laaab was persuaded to abdicate in favour of Yekuno Amlak - a monarch claiming Solomonic descent. Thereafter, until Haile Selassie was deposed during the communist revolution of 1974, all but one of Ethiopia's emperors had belonged to the royal line that traced it's heritage back, through Menelik I, to King Solomon of Jerusalem.

"The letter supposedly written by Prester John himself to various Christian king in the year 1165.. was regarded with great suspicion by scholars. Its date was authentic, but it was thought most unlikely that it could have been written by anyone with a real claim to the title 'Prester John' - and therefore regarded as an elaborate hoax.

"If the writer was to be believed his 'realms' contained, amongst other things: 'wild hares as big as sheep'; 'birds called griffins who can easily carry an ox or a horse into their nest'; 'horned men who have but one eye in front and three or four in the back'; 'other men who have hoofed legs like horses'; 'bowmen who from the waist up are men, but whose lower part is that of a horse'; the fountain of youth; a 'sandy sea' from which 'every piece of debris turns into precious stones'; 'the tree of lie'; ' seven-headed dragons' - and so on and so forth. Just about every mythical beast and object ever dreamed of, it seemed, was to be found in the land of Prester John. Where exactly this land was located, however, was nowhere specified in the letter - except in the loose reference to the 'many Indias'.. that was more likely to have applied to Ethiopia..

"Moreover, scattered here and there amonght the fabulous creatures were other animals that idd seem to belong to the real world: 'elephants' and 'dromedaries', for example, and also 'unicorns' with 'a single horn in front' which sounded very much like rhinoceroses - all the more so since, apparently they were sometimes known to 'kill lions'.

"'Preston John' had ultimately succeeded his father Feirefiz who was known as 'Lord of Tribalibot' as the ruler of Tribalibot/India - "Ethiopia"... the son of Feirefiz and Repanse de Schoye had been named 'Prester John'.. the first Europeans to arrive in Ethiopia had addressed the monarchs of that country as "Preston John" and ever since they call their kings by no other name.

"Frederick had been a German by birth (before his election as Emperor in 1152 he had been Duke of Swabia). Frederick had been one of the two monarchs specifically named amongst the various Christain kings to whom 'letter of Prester John' had been addressed in the year 1165.

Genesis 36:8 Thus dwelt Esau in mount Seir: Esau is Edom. :15 These were the dukes of the sons of Esau.. and the dukes that came of Eliphaz in the land of Edom.. These are the sons of Seir... these are the dukes of Horites the children of Seir in the land of Edom.. these be the dukes of Edom, according to their habitations in the land of their possession: he is Esau the father of the Edomites. "Duke is a European title and Seir is in the Caucacus mountatins".

According to Harpers Bible Dictionary, Seir, means, hairy, and grandfather of Hori.
Faussets Bible Dictionary -Horites - (troglodytes or inhabitants of caves, probably excavators of remarkable one near Petra) inhabited Mount Seir (thickly bushy or rugged shaggy) before Esau's invasion.

Even the European Pagans knew the Medieval Vatican Christian-Goths were doing devil worship. There was none of the what Alkebulan-Americans celebrate as Christianity in Europe before Constantine, they were Satanic Goths.

Malachi 1: The burden of the word of the Lord to Israel by Malachi. I have Loved you, saith the Lord. Yet ye say, Wherein hast thou loved us? Was not Esau Jacob's brother? saith the Lord: yet I Loved Jacob, and hated Esau, and laid his mountains and his heritage waste for the dragons of the wilderness. Whereas Edom saith, We are impovrished, but we will return and build the desolate places; thus saith the Lord of hosts, They shall build, but I will throw down; and they shall call them The border of wickedness, and, The people against whom the Lord hath indignation for ever.

Song of Barack: Judges 5 - The Book:

Praise the Lord!
Israel's leaders bravely led;
the people gladly followed!
Yes, bless the Lord!
Listen, O you kings and princes,
For I shall sing about the Lord,
The God of Israel.
When you led us out from Seir,
Out across the fields of Edom,
The earth trembled
And the sky poured down its rain.
Yes, even Mount Sinai quaked
At the presence of the God of Israel!
In the days of Shamgar and of Jael!
The main roads were deserted.
Travelers used the narrow, crooked side paths.
Israel's population dwindled,
Until Deborah became a mother to Israel.
When Israel chose new gods,
Everything collapsed.
Our masters would not let us have
A shield or spear.
Among forty thousand men of Israel,
Not a weapon could be found!
How I rejoice
In the leaders of Israel
Who offered themselves so willingly!
Praise the Lord!
Let all Israel, rich and poor,
Join in his praises-
Those who ride on white donkeys
And sit on rich carpets,
And those who are poor must walk
The village musicians
Gather at the village well
To sing of the triumphs of the Lord.
Again and again they sing the ballad
Of how the Lord saved Israel
With an army of peasants!
- Barack

Then "Allah/JAH/YWH/JVH" Jehovah told Abraham, "Your descendants will be oppressed as slaves in a foreign land for 400 years. But I will punish the nation that ensalves them (Revelation 18)(Holy Quaran 16 Section 4:26), and at the end they will come away with great wealth.(But you will die in peace, at a ripe old age.) After four generations they will return here to this land; for the wickedness of the Amorite nations living here now will not be ready for punishment until then.- Genesis 15:13 -The Book.

Don't let anyone mislead you, "he said" for many will come declaring themselves to be your Messiah, and will lead many astray. And wars will break out near and far, but this is not the signal of the end of time. - Mark 13:6 - The Book

Then all mankind will see me, the Messiah, coming in the clouds with great power and glory. And I will send out the angels to gather together my chosen ones from all over the world from the farthest bounds of earth and heaven. Now, here is a lesson from a tree. When its buds become tender, you know that spring has come. And when you see these things happening that I've described, you can be sure that my return is very near, that I am right at the door. Yes these are the events the events that will signal the end of the age.- Mark 13:26 -The Book.

On the day of the Passover, the day the lambs were sacraficed.. Mark 14:12 -The Book.

Lambs are sacraficed on this date in today's West African Yoruba culture as passed down from the ancient Egyptian 'New Year' tradition. On the first day of spring, the astrology chart begins with a lamb/ram. On this date the shadow of the South American symbol of Osiris AKA Quetzalcoatl AKA Kukulkan appears along his South American pyramid while in Egypt the sun sits on the shoulder of the Sphinx which has written on its side "Abu Simbel" meaning Father of All. Recent studies on the Sphinx prove that it is 12,000 years old.

"Priests and clergyman do not intend to cause pain, but when they persist in repeating nonsense words and concepts to children and insist that those words and concepts have great hidden significance, they do cause pain. The mental frustration of it all then erupts into violence, when two groups of people, fed on different non-sense words, intermingle with each other." -Sir Fred Holye, Ten Faces of The Universe.

May we all share in bareing witness to the fact that Christmas is not mentioned in the bible, and this is a 2000 year war of good and evil or Yhwh against Jesus Christ of Satan.

This December 25, 2010 there will again be no difference in the truth about the hidden ideas behind Christmas and the Satanic ideas hidden in the songs of the Beatles backward masking.

Therefore the begining of the Saturnalian birthday celebration of the son of Satan and his December 25th Satanic communion of the last supper where devils sacraficed and cannibalized Holy Yeshua who came to civilize them, will be the day when that world will end. December 21, 2012. The new age will begin on the birthday of the deified Lord Yeshua when the god of the harvest returns to us the balance of the earth.

The people that walked in darkness have seen a great light: they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death, upon them hath the light shined.- Isaiah 9:2

For thou has broken the yoke of his burden, and the staff of his shoulder, the rod of his oppressor -Isaiah 9:4

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting father, The Prince of Peace. -Isaiah 9:6

The Royal Counsel: Mission: ITRC3: End of The Matrix.

Yo Machiavelli we own the game. Without throwing cowrie shells and hurricanes your brain still gets lost on our plane and tossed into ripples of mathematical riddles while we perfect the butterfly effect check your samples. My title's written in your DNA fractals of practical astral triangles that cipher realities of royalites in the words of His Imperial Majesty "Your Technology belongs to no one it is as free as the sun".

Knowledge 1 Wise 2 the Understanding Commanding the Universe that gave birth to Galaxies of Gods and Earths through space and time to infinity so please don't insult me with your fears of the Illuminati. Caz dawg it ain't hard ancient Gods didn't wait until there was only 5% left before they began to manifest Lord Crown Master Prince Markanthony King of the royal family of the King of the Kingdom of Oyotunji. Death to Machiavelli.

The New Testament: The death of a history of things that never happened. The following similarities to Jesus is quoted from the Cambridge Encyclopedia:

Osiris 1350 BC - Osiris was sun rayed; his complection was black and his hair wooly. He was included in the slaughter of the innocents ordered by Typhon from which of course, he escaped. His legitamacy was proved by numerous miracles; some of his doctrines appear in the Book of the dead; the number of his disciples was ten; he was crucified on the vernal equinox; he descended into hell where he remained for three days and nights to judge the dead and rose again and ascended bodily into heaven.

India 1366 BC - The "first Budddha" of the Hindu Patheon. The Messiah was foretold by prophets, he was the son of the Holy Spirit and virgin Maia; he was born in a village or town Rajagrina; was recognized and worshipped by the Magi and by Kings: the messianic star stood over the place of his nativity; a brilliant nimbus of light surrounded the infants head; his complexion was black; his his hair wooly; he was prematurely wise and had ten disciples. Though he came to save the world he was persecuted by the reigning King who caused him to be crucified at age thirty three. To judge the dead Buddha descended to the nether-world where he remained three days and nights. Then arose and ascended bodily into heaven. His sacraments were the eucharist, and baptism; His epigraphic symbols were the cross and the swastica.

India 1332 BC - Birth of Ies Christna, the ninth incarnation of Iesnu or Vishnu. This Christna like the Christ of Europe who come nearly fourteen centuries late had a heavenly father (Brahhma) and an earthly one (Josa); his mother was Maryana; the Messianic Star appeared at his birth; he was born among cow herds; he was recognized by three wise men; his father was called to pay taxes; Christnas head shown with divine iffulgence; his complexion was black; his hair wooly. His doctrines caused his betrayal and death; he partook of the last supper with his ten disciples and was condemned to death by Kansa and crucified at Kusinara upon a tree in the 33rd year; the sun was eclipsed; the earth shook and ghosts walked.

India BC 721 - Era of nativity of Buddha son of Maya,

China 667 BC - Era of Lao-kuim or Lao-tsze born of a virgin.

Mexico 722 BC - Quetzocoatl did miracles, fasted for 40 days; he was tempted by the evil one, he resisted, persecuted, and crucified on the Vernal Equinox.


Sakia of India 600 BC - Tammuz of Syria 1160 BC - Wittoba of the Telingonese 522 BC - Iao of Nepal 622 BC - Hesus of Celtic Druids 834 BC - Quiriniles of Rome 506 BC - Thulis of Egypt 1700 BC - Indra of Tibet 725 BC - Alcestos of Greece 600 BC - Attis of Phyrgia 1170 BC - Crite of Orissa 725 BC - Bali of Orissa 725 BC - Mirtha of Persia 600 BC - Bel of Babylonia 2000 BC.

These were all Alkebulan figures having lived and died in the exact same life of Jesus, If not for the dates we would think they were all one at the same time. All were before the Christian era.

John G. Jackson, in his book 'Man, God, and Civilization', cites some parallels in the lives of Jesus and Krishna. Krishna was born while his foster father was in the city to pay taxes to the King. Jesus was born while his foster father Joseph was in the city to pay taxes to to the governor. Krishna is said to be a crucified Christ. He is pictured in Indian art as hanging on the cross with arms extended.

Krishna was pierced with an arrow while hanging. Jesus was pierced with a spear. The light of the sun blotted out at noon on the day of Krishna's death.The sun said to have been darkened from the 6th to the 9th hour on the day of Crucified Christ. Krishna's father was warned by heavenly voices to flee with infant Krishna across the Jumma River in order to escape from King Kansa. Joseph was warned by a voice in a dream to flee into Egypt with the Christ child to escape from King Herod.

The only difference in Jesus and the similarities of Jesus that came before him is the other Messiahs had ten disciples where Jesus had twelve disciples, for the twelve tribes of Israel.

About long haired Jesus: Corinthians 11:14 -Doth not even nature itself teach you , that if a man have long hair, it is a shame to him?

The God of our fathers raised up Jesus whom ye slew and hanged on a tree. -Acts 5:30 1975KJV

The ignorant and racist foundation of Christianity diliberately went contrary to what the scripture describes Jesus in Revelation 1:14 with hair white like lambs wool, feet like burnish brass, or brass burned in an oven. Burnish brass means the skin's already dark, and if it's burned that's black. Christianity historical image of Christ is not the image of the son of God, it is an imposter. It is the antichrist and it's name is "Jesus" the Christian leader. The son of Satan.

True divinity would not use its name to be the world foundation of demonic evil. The first slave ship to trick Alkebulan people into American slavery was called The SS Jesus. White Supremacy is the reason for the genocide of Alkebulan, American, Mexican, and Caribbean natives, as well as, the slave trade, world wars, oppression, savage capitalism, guns, gangsters, Satan, and hate in our past and present world. Jesus is its foundation.

Alkebulan Israelites have served other gods by being enslaved to following the culture of their enemies. They celebrate Christmas which honors also honors the Roman god, Mithras and the Greek god, Adonis, both of their birthdays being celebrated on December 25th.

According to Christianity, hell is at the center of the earth and three times hotter than the sun. The center of the earth is 12,000 miles from under our feet. Yet the sun is 93 million miles away from the earth and in the summer we can fry an egg on the sidewalk. Invisible ghost devils of Satan and hell ends up proving itself to be evil illogical and ignorant superstition.

Alkebulan people had no concept of Satan, devils, and evil spirits. "Misfortune" was never considered an invisible spirit, much less an invisible evil spirit. We recognized that misfortune is either cause by others or earth currents. Misfortune, is like any other current such as water and wind. When hurricane winds blow you naturally just have to be prepared to duck. It has nothing to do with evil. To be convinced that Satan. devils, and evil spirits exist is devil worship worthy of condemnation of their evil idols and superstition.

How we respond to these currents make us positive or negative products of our environment as proven by my sacred formula "+/-Environment = Motivation x Focus" it has absolutely nothing to do with a Satan, devils, or evil spirits.

Give Us The Teachings of His Majesty, We Don't Want Your Devil Philosophy - Ras Bob Marley.

Christianity is proven to be a religion in support of evil. It is the only religion in the world that (in theory) claims it will totally forgive the happy mass murderer who is also a child rapist, and yet condemn a good person that has never done evil to an everlasting torture of unyeilding hell, simply because that person doesn't believe in their tribal knowledge. As we know it is this exact tribal evil that created the black church. This is the ultimate proof of Satan's twisted evil of Christianity.

Christianity exist's in denial of the fact that "unconditional forgiveness" is incentive to continue doing evil. In turn this support's devils work including bombing millions without fear, and every other unimaginable evil someone feels free to commit. To forgive someone for butchering up your children just so he can return to butcher you too is an insane concept. Christianity's philosophy of unconditional forgiveness is unintelligent, illogical, unjustified, idiotic, ungodly, evil, corrupt, and a curse.

The history of Europeans in the western hemisphere serves as proof that from Mexico to Haiti where ever Christians went the natives let them in and in the name of their Christian god they turned around and comitted genocide on them. They killed, tortured and cursed them with small pox, destroyed their spiritual ideologies, and have cursed the land with the devil ever since.

Pochahantis was captured and held prisoner for the pleasure of rapist. If given the chance to be in control of the governance of their insane selfrighteous unconditional forgiveness they would have no choice but to destroy humanity in the name of god. In actuality it was not the human form that natives saw as the white devil it was the Divine-evil of Christianity which was being called the Devil. It is the same that the world express and practice today and everyday in the name of god.

The Klu Klux Klan is absolutely correct when they say they are the true Christians. Their actions and the history of these actions absolutely proves the original Christians Divine-evil heritage which they imaginatively emulate and proudly uphold as the root of their ungodly movement. From the chaos of these circumstances came the order of a civilization and salvation from evil.

European Christian leaders condemned anyone who didn't join their governance of religious tribalism especially pagan naturalists more concerned with nature was burned alive at the stake. In early America Christians burned so-called witches at the stake, if the victim didn't survive the burning, it meant the victim wasn't a witch, but of course the Christians forgave themselves with unconditional forgiveness. The European Christian root of this is again repeated by the Klu Klux Klan, "the true" Christians burning Alkebulan people alive.

If according to Christianity it is easier to get a camel through the eye of a needle than a rich man in heaven then many Christian preachers and televangelists are not going to heaven and obviously doomed to hell. And should be charged with corruption for breach of contract, for using their organization to act outside the terms and characteristics of their non-profit coroporate status and profitting from it.

This amounts to extorting funds from the government. Profits from deceptive philosophies, ideologies, and claims of healing people with touches yet can not prove this ability, constitues profiting from nonprofit broadcasting fraud.

It is not sensible to think you can understand a book by begining to read it from the middle, yet this is what the New Testament attempts to do.Most African and African-American intellects know that this was fabricated to cut the bible off from its African origin.

If it is said that "communication is the key", how did Jesus come to save all the future generations of the world, yet never wrote anything down to ensure that his message would be passed on to those generations? He would have had most definitely written a New Testament, instead, Jesus himself did not write any of the New Testament, instead "they" used the old Testament.

Jesus was supposedly born in a village in Bethlehem in Judea, but his first birthday celebration was in Rome 300 years later. Christmas began in Italy.

Other than the fact that Jesus was born in 4 B.C. it is admitted that no one knows what exact month Jesus was born in. If no one knows when Jesus was born how can they know how he was born? No one can prove that Jesus was born from a virgin. No one can prove anyone has ever risen from the dead. There is no historical documentation verifying the cruelty of King Herod I, and the slaugter of children in 4 B.C..

Easter has no original connection to Jesus. It is said that Jesus was crucified on a Friday and that he rose from the dead on Sunday. If he died Friday he could not have risen until Monday. He was said to have risen three days after his death. It is is impossible to fit 3 days into Friday and Sunday. Easter was celebrated hundreds of years BC. Easter (Estre) was an Anglo Saxon goddes of spring and fertility. Rabbits and eggs are symbols of the color of spring flowers and fertility. Europe was cold in the winter and the arrival of the spring was celebrated in the name of Easter.

The concept of the Virgin Mother was taken from Isis and her infant son, Horus, who were Egyptian deities. The worship of Isis and Horus spread from Egypt to Greece then to Rome and all over Europe. The original Trinity was, The Son, The Mother, And The Holy Spirit.

Osiris - Husband and brother of Isis, and father of Horus. An ancient Egyptian God who was one of the major deities. He represented the male productive force in nature, but was more commonly worshipped and remembered as a sun god. Osiris, in Yoruba language is, Ogun, husband of Oshun. Due to his aeroplane, he was also known as Quetzocoatl (feathered God) to the ancient Mayan.

Isis - The Egyptian Goddess of fertility and motherhood. Sister and wife of Osiris and Mother of Horus. Isis, in Yoruba language is, Oshun, wife of Ogun.

Rome eventually dismissed the worhsip of Isis after the institution of Christianity. Those who people who could not discontinue worshiping Isis and Horus merged them with the Gothic-Christianity, when Christmas was called Saturnalia.

"Hieroglyphics" is a word derived from the Greeks meaning "sacred carvings".

There is no such thing as immaculate conception.

It is doubtful that Yeshua (Jesus) would have considered himself to be the only son of God or the begotten son of God. This would be to the denial of many other sons of God. Jesus was not the only son of God. Genesis 6:2-4 -the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they were fair; and they took them wives of all which they chose. Job 11:6 -Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord and Satan came also among them.

Jesus was righteous, but he wasn't a miracle worker. According to the Holy Quaran, Jesus Christ was only a messenger of God and is not to be confused with the almighty himself. He didn't make any blind people see and he couldn't bring anyone back from the dead. He couldn't feed 5,000 men with only two fish and five loaves of bread, nor could he walk on water. These are the Greeks mythological impractical supernatural powers of Zeus being added to Yeshua, by very clever writers.

The states by which the New Testament canon developed have not yet been established to the satisfaction of all Biblical scholars. Some of them maintain that the attempt of Marcion, a Gnositc heretic who lived about 140 A.D. to provide a "Bible" that was to take the place of the Old Testament, was the starting point of teaching that the Old Testament has been done away with. -Funk and Wagnalls Encyclopedia.

Thus saith the Lord, stand ye in the way, and see, and ask for the Old Paths, where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls. -Jeremiah 6:16.

Prove all things - Thessolonians 5:21.
Study and know thyself approved - Timothy 2:15

Daniel 12:4 -O Daniel, shut up the words and seal the book, even to the time of end: many shall run to and from and knowledge shall be increased.

God does not save ignorance. No one does.
- The Royal Counsel.

The following poem was written in 1999. Any similarities it has to the sad and tragic 911 incident is strictly coincidental.


Without the full information you can not know the truth.
So your hidden opposition never has to worry about you.
Or what you might do.

Your mind is too small. You are not aware.
Youre like a fly sitting on the wall with no idea,
The walls being carried through the air,

In a concorde supersonic transport plane headed straight into a tall building faster than the speed of sound. Because size matters, the fly thinks he's still on the ground.

His mind is too small to see the bigger picture.
In his little world nothing much is going on.

He's just a fly,
Chillin on the wall.
Just goin wit the flow.

How much can a fly know.

The direction of the flow is what most people follow. And so you got rap flies on this concorde, and island flies on this concorde, and church flies on this concorde. That's just a message from a lord.

Since the last generation the direction of the music switched. You didn't even see it. It flowed in so smooth you just fell in the groove. You didn't even know you were going with the flow.

Gangstaz tell your enemies. Intelligent people tell your friends. Beware of the trends, beware of the trends, beware of the trends. Or your grandchildren's grandchildren, will be carried into a slavetrade again.

This time its not just you, but the rest of the world too. Corporations broadcast a world of evil by putting the worst of our people on their music label.

So Yo My Sun! You Love Singin Bout Dis Gun.
Now Sufferin Look Like Fun!
Look What You Become!

Desensitized And Numb!

Better Find Some Ambition before you end up in hell. The fly believes its just a prison cell. When dealing with the history of hell in reality,

I think the fly should study geology, meanwhile in the real world coroporations continue to control world cities economically. So dont think they were not able to put the world on an economic timetable.

They say the worst crime there can be is the crime of poverty. It forces the have-nots into Satan penitentaries where the inmates are now young corporate employees that basically work for free. Welcome to economic slavery.

If theres any Love left in your heart let it grow.
If theres any wisdom in your words shout it out.
Let them know, control the flow.
Or am I

Speaking to a fly.

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